Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Part III: Apples, flea markets, and FOOD.

Travel Log Book
November 6, 2011

(chronicled by Fennig)

1:30 a.m.
While watching 17 Again (no, we do NOT have a crush on Zac Efron), a commercial for Alka-Seltzer flashes brightly across the screen.
Howard - "When I take Alka-Seltzer, I get high. Except it's scary, I get super emotional. Until I sleep. I'm like a baby: I wake up every four hours and cry."

Fennig and Howard attend Westminster Presbyterian Church with Howard's Aunt.

When introduced to old men at church, they note sweetly, "Those are pretty gals." *blush*

Why do we always want more? In a culture that revolves around a sun named "consumerism," how do we keep our souls from being consumed by the solar flares of desire, "stuff-lust," and material fulfillment?

Holy moly! This is a ridiculous choir. So incredibly good.

Communion begins - Fennig contemplates the probability of the presence of real wine.

With great dismay, Fennig discovers that it is, indeed, grape juice.

After church, we hit the road and encounter a "moving roadblock" - well now, that's a first!

The "moving roadblock" stopped moving - whaaa???

The road is now blocked off and people are exiting their cars chatting about the direness of our predicament - "I have three kids in the car." - "It's gonna be 30 minutes!!!!"

They say that all sorts of couples meet by flirting in traffic. That always baffled me, but I think I now better understand. A tall man with a blue plaid shirt and basketball shorts leans over the window of a red beat-up car. I can only presume its being driven by an attractive female.

Spot a billboard for the SoundSationS, a musical group that looks like they are permanently stuck in the 70s.

Fennig spots flying pigs. May all sorts of other impossibilities come to fruition!

Fennig and Howard peruse the menu at the Applewood Farmhouse Grill and consider moving to the south when we realize that Mac 'n Cheese appears in the vegetable section.

We feast on meatloaf, mashed potatoes, veggie soup, green beans (cooked in bacon grease), buttered corn, applesauce, and apple fritters with apple butter. Southern Comfort, on a plate. Fennig and Howard are overcome, and contemplate the possibility of never eating again.

Apple cider slushies. Is this madness possible???

Chocolate gravy. What the heck???

"Who wants applelicious lips? I do!" - Howard, when she spots an apple lip gloss.

Fennig and Howard stop at The Great Smokies Flea Market. Hats, scarves, toys, posters, albums, old books, and more bejeweled animal print purses than you can imagine. Fennig purchased a totes adorb red hat, and we purchased a couple books as well.

The transferring of the log!

(chronicled by Howard)

We went to the Lakeside Tavern for dinner with Aunt & Uncle. Rugged stone walls, dark wooden beams stretching across the ceiling, dark earthy colors, and a floor-to-ceiling view of the lake. Fennig is overawed, and notes between wondrous whispers that she must start a restaurant like this someday.

Fennig and Howard share a pecan chicken salad, with cajun-spiced chicken and sweet potatoes. Oh my goodness gracious me.

Fennig and Howard, along with Aunt, stop at the grocery store for ice cream and supplies for tomorrow's drive.

Fennig and Howard watch Runaway Bride, and eat ice cream. Yaaay!


(Sneak peek: Howard and Fennig speak in Southern accents with lisps, meet Harry Houdini, and earn a free cappuccino.)

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